
Cesarean section

Being pregnant brings with it a lot of questions, especially when it comes to childbirth. One of those questions may be: what if I have to have a caesarean section? Don't worry, we are here to guide you through this adventure. In this article ⁢we dive deep into everything ⁤you need to know⁤ about […]


A breech birth

The breech birth. Maybe you've heard something about it before, maybe it's completely new to you. Either way, we're here to give you all the information you need, without the medical jargon and complicated ones. technical terms. Simply clear, understandable and above all reassuring. A breech birth can sound quite exciting at first, but […]


Premature contractions

As an expectant parent, you have a lot to deal with and the care for your unborn child is of course the top priority. One of the topics that raises many questions and sometimes also concerns is premature birth. Premature contractions can come on suddenly and what does that actually mean? In this article we want to […]


Premature delivery

What is a premature birth and how do you recognize it? A premature birth, also called a premature birth, occurs when the baby is born before the 37th week of pregnancy. This can lead to various challenges for both the baby and the mother. So, it is essential to catch the symptoms early […]

Verloskundigen Dronten - waarom kiezen voor een thuisbevalling

Why choose a home birth?

One of the choices expectant mothers face is the decision whether to opt for a home birth. This choice is personal and can be influenced by various factors. But why do some mothers actually choose a home birth? In this article we dive into the world of home births. We explore the reasons why mothers […]

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